Welcome to the team!
Kindly watch out for your Welcome Email with your Account Number.
Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!
Terms and Agreements
1. Project Inclusions and Freebies
------------------------------------------------2. Payment Terms & Modes of Payment
------------------------------------------------3. Welcome E-Mail, Contract and Project Questionnaire Form
------------------------------------------------4. Personal Google Folder For Project Requirements
------------------------------------------------5. Complete Gantt Chart & Social Media Calendar
------------------------------------------------6. Social Media Content Edit Requests
------------------------------------------------7. Watermark
------------------------------------------------8. Posting and Scheduling of Social Media Content
------------------------------------------------9.. Project Completion
------------------------------------------------10. One-Time Project
------------------------------------------------11. Monthly Subscription
------------------------------------------------12. Project Fee
Social Media Management● 10 Photo Content● 1 Video Slide● 1 Reel Video
Add $40 - With Social Media Scheduling and Posting● Scheduling and Posting of Content● Captions and Hashtags● Complete Gantt Chart & Social Media Calendar
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Primary mode of payment is PayPal and Credit/Debit Card. For other modes of payment, kindly email us at .moc.kaerftnetnoceht%40ofni
Payment must be made first prior to project creation.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After payment confirmation, client will receive a welcome email with an account number, a contract and the link to the project questionnaire form.
SAMPLE EMAIL SUBJECT:Welcome!! Freak Account ________ | Project DEXTER | Client's Name
***IMPORTANT NOTE!***The contract solely applies to the individual or entity named on the contract and shall not be used by other parties not included or named in the contract.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Client will be provided a personal google folder where all requirements must be uploaded.
After completion of the requirements, client will receive a project kickoff email. This email must be used for all communications(any questions and edit requests) with the Sr Content Creator. We only use one(1) email thread to avoid confusions and misinformation.
SAMPLE EMAIL SUBJECT:Freak Account ________ | Project DEXTER | Project Kickoff
***IMPORTANT NOTE!***Client must be the legal owner of all the raw contents/materials (photos, video clips, sound clips). This is to avoid copyright infringement.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For clients who subscribed for Social Media Scheduling and Posting
Client will receive a personal Gantt Chart & Social Media Calendar where all content creation progress will be monitored.This will also be used for content approval and edit request.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Client is allowed to have one(1) free edit request.
Client may request the following changes:● Theme Color● Font● Music(if applicable)● Hashtags
but NOT the following:● Logo or Company Name● Photos/Videos● Property listing(for Real Estate)● Products and/or Services● Promotions/Discounts/Sales● Captions
2nd edit request and up:Social media content - $3
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A watermark will be placed on every social media content until approved.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Upon content approval, social media content will be scheduled and be posted accordingly.
***IMPORTANT NOTE!***Client must give us the editor’s access to the business page so we can schedule and post the contents.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Client will receive an email upon project completion.
SAMPLE EMAIL SUBJECT:Freak Account ________ | Project DEXTER | Project Completed
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Originally, you can purchase this project as a one-time project. This means that you pay a single fee to obtain the project and all of its associated materials.
One-time project is non-cancellable. This means that once it is initiated, there is no option to cancel or terminate it before completion.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This project can be purchased in a monthly subscription. By opting for a subscription-based model for this project, you can ensure a consistent and ongoing presence on social media. Regular posting is crucial for increasing traffic and engagement on your social media pages.
In the event that the client decides to cancel the monthly subscription, all inclusions in the social media management will be removed. Client is required to notify us of their cancellation before the start of the next month. By giving us advance notice, we can make necessary adjustments to our schedules and ensure a smooth transition for both parties.
This project can be purchased one time but it would be best to get it subscription based. Purchasing a monthly subscription comes with the added benefit of receiving 1 month for free. Should you wish to get this project subscription based, kindly email us at moc.kaerftnetnoceht%40ofni